Reliable Information

Students will learn about different types of information, how beliefs form and change, and understanding what safe and reliable communities look like.

  • Producing vs Consuming Information

    Students will develop a sense of agency online by learning about their roles as both consumers and producers of information. They will explore their rights and responsibilities associated with these roles.

  • Communication of Beliefs

    Students will discover how communication has changed over time which has impacted beliefs and storytelling. They will reflect on a time their own belief has changed based on new information they had access to.

  • Safe Online Communities

    Students will explore the idea of online communities, characteristics of safe them, and compare in person vs online communities.

  • Reliable Content

    Students will practice critical thinking and information evaluation by learning how to identify reliable content. They will be introduced to the key characteristics of reliable information and will know to avoid unreliable content.

For this lesson, our characters discover that the white box in Daniel’s home that he and Darcy can talk to, isn’t in fact a real person. How will they feel about this new discovery and what will they change about how they speak with it?

During this lesson students will learn:

  • What’s behind the voices in technology

  • How to process the feelings from these conversations

  • The difference between real and virtual interactions

  • Better comprehend where the answers are coming from